Primary Mental Health & Addiction Services (Te Tumu Waiora)
Below is a list of Auckland PHO practices currently utilising Health Improvement Practitioners (HIPs) and/or Health Coaches.
These new members of the team provide advice and support to patients based on individualised goals, promoting self-management and connecting people to other services they may need.
Auckland PHO Practices with a HIP and/or Health Coach:
Aotea Health
AUT Student Medical Centre
Avondale Health Centre
Cairnhill Health Centre
Calder Centre
Dominion Medical Centre
Epsom Medical Care
Elstree Ave Family Doctors
Prana Family Health
Three Kings Family Medical Centre
The Salvation Army Hauora Service
Teo Medical Care
If you are already an enrolled patient at one of the practices above, talk to your GP about making an appointment with a HIP or Health Coach.
If you are enrolled with a practice outside of Auckland PHO, ask your GP if there is another service they can refer you to.