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Immunisation Pānui 27 February 2024

Please see below for immunisation information relating to:

  1. New Measles Funding

  2. COVID XXB vaccine

  3. Te Whatu Ora’s Immunisation Pānui

  4. Flucelvax & Fluad Quad® Vaccines

New Measles Funding

New funding has been made available to support current the Measles Outbreak from 1st November until 30 June 2024.

Eligible patients must have been identified by the Public Health team as a Measles case, suspected case or close contact of a measles case (and subsequently is referred to Primary Care) who are in one of the following groups:

  • Māori

  • Pacific people

  • Disabled people

  • People with severe mental health and addiction issues

  • People living in socioeconomically deprived communities (quintile 4 & 5)

  • Other inequitably impacted population groups, including

  • Migrant ethnic communities

  • Rough sleepers

  • People in transitional housing

  • Those not enrolled in Primary care practices.

  • Others as identified as requiring funded support by a Public Health Service


Public Health have requested the person and or whānau to either:

  • Attend a primary care provider for a PCR swab +/- serology for measles, AND/OR,

  • Attend a primary care provider for clinical assessment and review, AND/OR,

  • Request a copy of vaccination status for measles (if the provider incurs costs for retrieval of the vaccination records)


No co-payment may be charged for services in relation to the Measles Model of Care.

Claims can be made for eligible patients seen by the practice from 1 November 2023.




(All prices GST exclusive)

  1. Consultation and/or PCR swab for Measles

  1. $90 (standard)

  2. $135 (after hours/ weekends)​ 

  1. Measles Serology (if not referred to lab)

  1. 30 (standard)

  2. $45 (after hours/ weekends)​ 

  1. Only PCR swab (no consultation) as requested by PHS

  1. 30 (standard)

  2. $45 (after hours/ weekends)​ 

  1. Request of Vaccination status for Measles (if the provider incurs costs for retrieval of the vaccination records)

  1. $30 (standard)​ 

  2. $60 (after hours/weekends)​ 


Please submit your claims monthly to with the following information:

  • Service description (e.g., 1a)

  • Claim amount

  • Date service provided

  • NHI


COVID XXB vaccine: available 7 March

  • Pharmac and Te Whatu Ora issued a joint media release about the upcoming availability of the updated COVID XBB vaccine.

  • The vaccine will be available to the public from March 7.

  • Key messages on the new vaccine can be found in this dropbox link 

  • Webinar set for Tuesday 27 February, 5:30pm – 6:00pm, register here 

  • COVID-19 XBB.15 transition plan slides

  • New Zealand Influenza & COVID-19 Symposium 14 March 2024 (Save the date). Click here to find out more.


Te Whatu Ora Immunisation Update Pānui:

Please click here to read the Te Whatu Ora - Immunisation Panui 22 February 2024 newsletter.


In this issue:

  • COVID XBB vaccine available 7 March

  • FINAL REMINDER: Free MenB catch up period ends 28 February 2024

  • Data breach update

  • Immunisation collateral 


Unfunded Flu vaccines available from 27 February

Please see Outlook attachment with further detail regarding the Flucelvax & Fluad Quad® vaccines.


Please also see:


Seqirus Flucelvax & Fluad Quad Vaccines Email
Download PDF • 1.11MB


If you have any questions about the information in this pānui, please contact Shanaz Khan –

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