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Monday Pānui 07 November 2022

Tēnā koutou

Here are a few pieces of information for noting.

Carextra Wash-Up Funding

Practices will today receive notification of their Carextra wash-up funding – that is funding that was not used between 1 July to 31 October 2022. A small number of practices have claimed their entitlement and therefore will not receive a washup. Full entitlement funding will be paid into bank accounts mid-November.

Auckland PHO Annual General Meeting

Shareholders and Auckland PHO Providers are warmly invited to the in-person AGM on Weds 7th December at 7pm at Auckland PHO offices. It is expected that it will be a very short un-complicated meeting! There will be two fantastic presentations afterwards that are not to be missed.

AGM Shareholder Invites will be sent this week.

Cyber Security and Out of Office Email Messages

A reminder to be cautious about your out of office outlook messages when going away on holiday. Scammers trawl emails for the out of office messages and have been known to send an urgent email, seemingly from the person on holiday asking colleagues to approve an urgent invoice. Out of office messages should be vague – I am currently out of my office, or not available. For anything urgent please contact <…..>

Practice Holiday Closures

Every year, PHOs are required to ask their Practices about closure dates for holiday period for district planning – particularly important this year as COVID-19 cases are increasing and unlike the last two years, the borders are now fully open. A survey is being developed and will be sent out this week. Please respond promptly – thanks in advance!

Have a great week.

Ngā mihi nui


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