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Monday Pānui 10 June 2024

In Today’s Pānui

  • Reimbursement for staff influenza vaccinations

  • Moving to a new PMS?

  • Kete for Newborns

  • Practice Plus

  • GP2GP – survey results and next steps

Reimbursement for staff influenza vaccinations


Te Whatu Ora are once again encouraging patient facing staff to get an influenza vaccination.  Reimbursement for the costs of immunising eligible staff is available to employers via the Reimbursement Portal which is open from 2 April to 11 October 2024. Please submit claims before this date.  We understand that practices can claim the usual amount charged for patients who aren’t eligible for a funded influenza vaccination.


Please follow the sign-up steps in the user guide attached to create an account. Claims can then be submitted by an employer through the Reimbursement Portal:


It is also a timely reminder to ensure staff are up to date with other recommended vaccinations including measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) and pertussis. Staff working with infants under 1 year of age are encouraged to check their pertussis vaccination status and consider a booster if indicated, although this may not be funded.


Need help or further information? If you have any questions, email


More information is available here:[1]conditions/influenza/#immunising-health-and-disability-care-workers


Click here for the 2024 Provider Set Up Guide.


The Te Whatu Ora tax invoice template can be found here.


Moving to a new PMS?


Moving to a new PMS system?

Please inform as there are a number of administration changes needed from the PHO end.  Thanks!

Kete for Newborns

Auckland PHO supplies a lovely kete containing a non-gender specific muslin baby wrap along with a number of immunisation resources as a welcome to the baby gift for baby/pēpi and can be given to the mother/mama at the 6-week immunisation event at the same time as the Post Natal Screen that Auckland PHO funds.


For more information about the Post Natal Screen:

Password: aucklandpho

Practice Plus


Practice Plus is Auckland PHO’s preferred overflow and after-hours online support service and is available weekdays 9am – 10pm and weekends and public holidays 8am – 8pm.   Notes are sent back to the usual GP and there is NO claw back from the consult. 


If you would like to know more information about Practice Plus, check out the webinar and/or contact to help sign you up.  There is NO cost to the practice.

Link to the webinar: Practice Plus Winter Wellness Webinar ( 


Patient fees are below and note that there are low-cost fees for patients with a CSC:

GP2GP – survey results and next steps



GP2GP – survey results and next steps

Analysis of the practice manager survey released in our May pānui has now been completed. GPNZ and Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora thank those who took the time to complete this. Key findings are summarised below. Transfer rates  

  • Most practices report transferring in between 0-50 patients a month, with a similar rate of transfers out. 

  • Estimated failure rates for both inward and outward transfers varied, but at times were estimated to reach as high as half of all transfers.

Common issues  

  • The most frequent issue is errors due to large file sizes. This can be caused by scanned documents or complex health records.

  • Data mapping issues to your PMS is the second most frequent issue. 

Support and user guides  

  • There is limited support available for GP2GP, with about half of all respondents indicating it is a problem area.

  • Practices want greater support to transfer large files, manage duplicate records, understand error messages, and data mapping.

  • 65% think a GP2GP support desk would be helpful.

  • 39% hadn’t yet seen the user guides for GP2GP.

  • Of those who had seen the user guides, 58% found them helpful.

User guides and troubleshooting for GP2GP are now available on Health NZ's website. Informed by survey findings, practice visits and conversations with the PMS suppliers, we have identified the following next steps.

  • Identify ways for practices to manage large file size transfer.

  • Explore data standards to make data consistent for the transfer.

  • Gain a greater understanding of errors and what to do when these errors occur. 

  • Display tips and tricks relating to these errors on the webpage. 

  • Provide more support to those who need it on the end-to-end process of GP2GP.

We’re engaging with PMS suppliers to understand what opportunities exist to resolve the challenges for practices. This involves reviewing a range of technical agreements and a range of different processes that are in place to allow GP2GP to work the way it does, for each PMS application. It is clear any technical changes made to the GP2GP service will be complex to work through.  Health NZ website’s GP2GP webpage will be updated with helpful tips, updated user guides and troubleshooting sections Thank you for your valuable input as we work toward better performance and utilisation of GP2GP.

Often misudnerstood, GP2GP is not an app or piece of software. This diagram explains how it works.

Barbara Stevens | Tumu Whakarae/CEO

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