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Monday Pānui 10 October 2022

Kia ora Auckland PHO whānau

Here is a brief update of Auckland PHO specific information for the week ahead.

New Zealand Medical Journal

Link for the latest publication:

If you have any difficulties in opening the link, please contact

Foundation Standards Subsidy from Auckland PHO

At the completion of each Foundation Standards Assessment, send an invoice to Suzanne for $250 along with a copy of the Certificate.

If unsure if your practice has claimed, contact

Cervical Screening Catch-up Support October and November 2022

Auckland PHO and WONS are working in collaboration to ensure eligible women have a cervical screen as part of a catch up campaign for our practices..

WONS can supply a cervical screening service to Auckland PHO Practices and their requirements for this service are:

  • Practice books 10 women for a screening at 30-minute intervals during a day

  • Between 9am-3pm

  • Available consultation room

  • Wāhine Māori and Pasifika women are funded by WONS and free to the patient

  • All other eligible women are subsidised by Auckland PHO or POAC (see eligibility criteria in Cervical Screening Link below

WONS can also assist with recalling women who are overdue cervical screening and offering appointments at their clinics. Results will be sent to practices and are included in System Level Measure Targets.

Further information about the Catchup can be found here Cervical Screening Campaign

Or contact Alison at or 021538598.

Desperately Seeking a GP Locum in Blockhouse Bay

Do you know a GP, or can you help with a few hours during the week providing locum cover for Dr Shobi Gopal? She needs cover from 28 November to 21 December 2022 to attend her son’s wedding in India.

Shobi has tried everything and everyone, leaving no stone unturned. If you have a suggestion, referral to a friend, anything …..please get in touch

All ideas gratefully received.

Enjoy the week.

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