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Monday Pānui 15 April 2024

In today’s issue :

  • Bowel Screening Form Issues

  • Podiatry Referrals – from 26 March to 10 April 2024

  • Ramadan and vaccinations

Bowel Screening

If you are experiencing any issues with bowel screening referrals, please contact who will check that the mapping is correct.


Podiatry Referrals between 26 March and 10 April

A reminder to resend podiatry referrals sent between 26 March and 10 April.  If unsure, please email and she will let you know if a referral has been sent through.

Apologies for the inconvenience. 

We understand that Mōhio has fixed the issue.


Ramadan and Vaccinations

Many people who observe Ramadan would not be able to be vaccinated between sunrise and sunset and some would have found it difficult to bring their children to a general practice for their immunisations during that time.


It is recommended that practices send a recall/reminder to those that missed their vaccination events during Ramadan to invite them back.


Barbara Stevens |Tumu Whakarae/CEO

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