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Monday Pānui 21 November 2022

Email sent to Auckland PHO Practices on behalf of Barbara Stevens

Tēnā koutou

Welcome to week and a scary thought – it’s only 5 weeks until Christmas day!

Prevenar 13 - available for ordering

A reminder that from 01 December 2022, Prevenar 13 will replace Synflorix as the funded vaccine for children against pneumococcal disease. As per the schedule, from today you can begin ordering stock: ProPharma (

Please note that you will need to have stock available prior to 01 December 2022 as Synflorix will no longer be funded from this date. All Synflorix stock must be sent for safe disposed from 01 December 2022 to ProPharma.

Attached is a checklist provided by Te Whatu Ora to assist the clinical team with this transition. Should you have any questions please contact Shanaz Khan or mobile 021 246 6510.

Making Reception Safe and Sane

Dealing with Challenging Interpersonal Dynamics – Skills and Tools to Successfully Deal with Challenging Situations

GROW is a leading provider of training, workshops and events across the social services, health and not-for-profit sectors and is offering this 90-minute online workshop on

Tuesday 29 November 4pm – 5.30pm - $140.00

Auckland PHO will sponsor 5 Practice Staff to attend this workshop. Email to apply.

2022 End of Year Awards

Planning is well underway for our 2022 awards and Auckland PHO team have been working hard and really looking forward to seeing our practice teams on Friday 9 December from 6pm.

Please check with your colleagues to see who is attending and RSVP asap. It’s been two years since practice teams have been able to get together and a celebration is well overdue. Please join us!

Please get in touch if you have any questions about the contents in today’s Panui.

Ngā mihi nui


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