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Monday Pānui 22 April 2024

In today’s Pānui

  • Auckland PHO staff updates

  • Transfer of Care and Test Results Responsibility

  • GP2GP Webpages on the Te Whatu Ora website

  • Auckland PHO’s Discretionary Funding Pool (DFP)

Auckland PHO staff updates


  • Dr Charlotte Harris – Clinical Director is currently on bereavement leave.

In her absence, please contact Barbara Stevens – 021 669 533 or


  • Erin Thompson – PHO Primary Care Support is on special leave as a whānau member is in hospital.

In her absence, please contact Ashley Hulme – 021 02420904 or 


  • Alison Brown – Clinical Nurse Advisor is BACK on the Auckland PHO team.

Following an extended overseas holiday, Ali is returning next Monday.  Her role involves providing effective linkages, support, training and assistance to the Auckland PHO Primary Care network, particularly assisting with new GP, NP, practice nurse onboarding and providing clinical expertise and guidance. 

Ali will be in touch with practice teams in the next two weeks, along with contact details.


Transfer of Care and Test Results Responsibility

The Transfer of Care and Test Results responsibility has now been signed by the CMOs at Manatū Hauora, Te Whatu Ora and Te Aka Whai Ora and published on the Te Whatu Ora website. This work has been through several iterations with feedback from regional and local clinical governance groups and clinical leaders across the New Zealand.


Clinical leaders will now look towards embedding the principles in operational procedures.

See Transfer of Care and Test Results Responsibility – Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora


GP2GP Webpages on the Te Whatu Ora website


The GP2GP webpages on the Te Whatu Ora website are now live. They can found here GP2GP – Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora


Information provided includes how to use and troubleshooting.


Auckland PHO’s Discretionary Funding Pool (DFP)

Are you utilising Auckland PHO’s DFP?


The DFP is a discretionary pool of funding that clinicians can access to assist patients who require support funding for a range of procedures and diagnostics.  There are also options for discreet funding support to assist with consultation payments.


Note that in the event the practice has not used their funding allocation by 30 June, it will be returned to the DFP ‘pot’ and reallocated in the new financial year.


Further information here.


Barbara Stevens |Tumu Whakarae/CEO

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