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Monday Pānui 27 February 2023

Updated: Mar 21, 2023

Tēnā koutou

There are 3 important items to be aware of in this week’s Pānui:

  1. Funded general practice consults for those affected by the Cyclone

  2. ACC Assistance for Displaced patients

  3. Immunisation funding uplift

Funded Consultations to Support Te Tai Tokerau – Northland, Hawkes Bay and Tairawhiti – Gisborne Residents Displaced by Cyclone Gabrielle

There are people from the above regions who have been displaced by Cyclone Gabrielle with some who have moved outside their region and staying with friends/whānau elsewhere in the country.

In response to the devastation caused by the Cyclone, Te Whatu Ora will fully fund the cost of a standard casual consultation in general practice, after hours and accident and medical centres for people who seek casual consults outside of their region until 19 March when the situation will be re-evaluated.

To claim a consultation, please send an invoice to with the patient’s NHI and date of the consultation with the practice’s usual casual fee.

Over this period GMS claims (and consequent clawbacks will not apply for these areas).

If you have any questions about the claiming, please contact or contact the office 379 4022.

ACC Assistance for Displaced Patients

ACC is extending additional support to those patients who usually live in these regions but have been displaced due to Cyclone Gabrielle. They will cover the co-payment costs for those patients needing to seek ACC injury-related medical attention as a casual patient away from their usual General Practice from 19 February to 19 March 2023.

In addition to existing payments made through Rural General Practice and Urgent Care Clinic contracts and GP Cost of Treatment Regulations, where a practice elects to waive the usual co-payment, ACC will pay an additional $57.50 incl. GST ($50 excl. GST) for each visit. Please invoice using code GENE for the additional payment.

Where the co-payment fee is waived:

· ACC will pay general practice and urgent care clinics the actual co-payment up to a maximum of $50 (excl. GST) for each visit

· You will need to invoice us using code GENE for the patient co-payment, in addition to your usual ACC consult code.

Where patients have already been charged a co-payment, they can seek reimbursement from ACC via MyACC (if they are registered to use MyACC) or by contacting 0800 101 996 for assistance.

Mental health support

You may have patients that are seeking mental health support following Cyclone Gabrielle.

We can provide cover for mental injuries where:

· there is a mental injury that is caused by a physical injury, or

· the mental injury occurred while the patient was working.

In other cases, people can access support via the 1737 Mental Health helpline or seek support funded by Te Whatu Ora or other agencies.

Temporary Uplift in Immunisation Administration Fees – 20 Feb and 30 June 2023

Given the recently confirmed measles case in the Northern Region, there is a continued and strong focus on improving childhood immunisation rates which are worryingly low – due to COVID-19 lockdowns. Te Whatu Ora have announced that they will top up the immunisation fee for all National Immunisation Schedule Vaccines administered to all children 12 years and under to $36.05 (ex GST) during standard hours and $48.72 (ext GST) out of hours.

In addition, the MMR Vaccine the same prices will apply to those eligible of a funded MMR (all people born in New Zealand from 1 January 1969 without two documented doses of measles containing vaccine).

Important Information

  • Payment will be managed by Te Whatu Ora and no additional claiming process will be required

  • Data will be extracted from Proclaim for the period 20 Feb 2023 to 30 June 2023 to allow top up payments to be calculated and payments will be on the 20th of each month

  • Auckland PHO will receive the top up payment and will be passed on to respective practices

  • Please make sure that vaccination is entered into your PMS in a timely fashion so you can be paid each month

Have a great week and let’s hope the rain doesn’t get too heavy.

Ngā mihi nui

Barbara Stevens |Tumu Whakarae/CEO


Contact Us

Address: Unit D, Level 4, 210 Khyber Pass Road, Grafton

Postal address: PO Box 110018, Auckland Hospital, Auckland 1148

Tel. (09) 379 4022

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