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Tuesday Pānui 27 September 2022

Updated: Oct 25, 2022

Tēnā koutou

Welcome to a new (albeit a short) week and a new communique from the Auckland PHO to your team. We plan on sending this Panui (memo) at the beginning of each week to provide information that is specific and relevant to all the Practice team. Our Friday Facts is designed to be a summary of Regional and National information sent to practice teams via Medinz, Te Whatu Ora as well as webinar and professional development material.

Changes to Sexual Health Screen and Treat Programme

  • There are changes to our Sexual Health Screen and Treat Mōhio form and this will go live on 3rd October 2022

  • The changes have been made to streamline sexual health claims so that follow up consultation funding is included in the initial consultation claim and as such, there is no requirement to claim for a follow up sexual health claim

  • Note that routine contraceptive advice and prescribing is NOT funded within the Sexual Health Screen and Treat Programme. In the event a young person has difficulty in paying, you can use funds from the Practice’s Discretionary Funding Pool

  • There is a limit of four consultations per year per young person

  • This is an Auckland PHO funded programme

  • Refer to the email sent on Thursday 22 September from Priscilla. Further information is on the Auckland PHO website library: Auckland PHO Website Library (password: aucklandpho)

Refugee Health – increase in Consultation Fees

There are three service components to the Refugee Health Programme and there has been a small adjustment in the funding. Mōhio forms have been updated to reflect the increase.

  1. Assessment – one visit per patient, 75-minute consultation plus practice can charge for the usual 15 minute consult co-payment - $100.69

  2. Extended consult – 30 minutes plus practice can charge for the usual 15-minute consultation co-payment payment – no capped number of consults - $51.03

  3. Flexi consult - Payment for individualised episode of care, no capped number of consults and no patient consult fee may be charged - $34.31

  • This is a Te Whatu Ora (Auckland DHB) funded programme

Please note that all refugees must have their Legal Refugee Status identified and official documents scanned into the General Practices’ Practice Management System and have resided in New Zealand for 10 years or less.

The 10-year timeline is from when the official document has been issued NOT from the enrolment date. Practice Managers will need to include an end date for refugee eligibility in the patient record.

Further information is on the Auckland PHO website library: Auckland PHO Website Library – Programmes Services and Information (password: aucklandpho)

The Guide is located in Auckland PHO Website Library – Forms, HR, and PHO Support (password: aucklandpho) and has been created as a resource for new administration staff and Practice Managers as well as a reminder for existing staff. We recommend that all practice administrative staff review the document regularly to ensure they are up to date with all the information required to efficiently manage a general practice.

Carextra Refresh

We are delighted to announce that the Carextra refresh will be live from Tuesday 1st November 2022. Practices will receive 100% of their Carextra funding from that date and will not be required to submit care plans. We will supply additional information on how the refresh will work for practices early next week.

Save the date: Auckland PHO End of Year Awards and Celebration

We are thrilled to announce (after two years of lockdowns) we have locked in Friday 9th December 2022 from 6.30pm at the Sorrento, One Tree Hill for the Auckland PHO Awards and the End of Year Celebrations. Save the date and we will send further details soon.

The entire practice team is very welcome!

Thanks for scrolling down this far! Please get in touch if you have any queries about any of the content in this email.

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