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Monday Pānui 31 October 2022

Tēnā koutou

Here are three items for your information

Updated Auckland PHO Programme Quick Guide October 2022

The Orange/Brown colour Quick Guide (October 2022) of Auckland PHO programmes will be published tomorrow and laminated copies will be sent/provided for practices during the week. Please ensure it is available to GPs and practice nurses and practice managers.

Please discard all previous copies. An electronic version is on the Auckland PHO website library: Auckland-PHO-Quick-Guide-October-2022.pdf

The changes include:

  • Carextra – all funding paid upfront and there is no requirement to submit a $20 claim for each patient seen

  • CVD Risk Assessment and Management – updated to reflect 2018 guidelines

  • Sexual Health – enrolled and consultation to incorporate a follow up consult if required.

Auckland PHO Annual General Meeting Save the Date: 7th December at 7pm

We are thrilled to announce that Dr Richard Davies, GP at Calder Care, Auckland City Mission has agreed to be our guest speaker at the AGM. Richard is also married to our Governor General and will speak about some of his experiences and travels. The Annual Report will be sent to Shareholders next week. For those GPs, practice nurses and practice managers who are not yet a shareholder (means that you can vote at the AGM) a Shareholder application form will be emailed to you tomorrow with information.

CVD Hospitalisation report and the Cost-Utility Analysis of Diabetes Remission

Have a good week!

Ngā mihi nui


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