Tēnā koutou
There is just the one important message in today’s Pānui, regarding Paracetamol and Bexsero administration.
Information and links are below including the Standing Orders and the Medinz published Monday 27 February 2023.
Paracetamol for children under 2 years
Prophylactic paracetamol is recommended for children under 2 years because of the risk of high fever, which is more likely when Bexsero is administered at the same time/visit as other vaccines.
Three doses of paracetamol (15mg/kg, using 120mg/5ml solution) are recommended with 4-6 hours between each paracetamol dose, whether the child has a fever or not. Maximum of 4 doses in 24 hours.
The first paracetamol dose administered 30 minutes prior to Bexsero administration.
If the first paracetamol dose has not been given before the child is vaccinated, administer the dose at the time of vaccination.
The second paracetamol dose is given 4-6 hours after the first dose.
The third dose is given a further 4-6 hours later.
If the infant or child is sleeping when the second or third paracetamol dose is due, it is not necessary to wake the child, the dose can be given when the child wakes up as long as it is at least 4-6 hours since the previous paracetamol dose was given.
In some circumstances (eg infants enrolled in the PIPPA study) iburofen may be given as an alternative to paracetamol.
A Standing Order for Primary and Community Health Care in Metro Auckland Districts can be located in Auckland Community HealthPathways: https://aucklandregion.communityhealthpathways.org/files/Resources/ParacetamolStandingOrderBexsero.pdf
Note that there may be a shortage of Paracetamol via PSO, therefore, please ensure the practice has sufficient supplies.
If you have any questions about Bexsero, please contact shanaz@aucklandpho.co.nz
Meningococcal B vaccine (Bexsero) – National Immunisation Schedule change and widening of vaccine access
Published by Te Whatu Ora – Te Toka Tumai Auckland, Counties Manukau and Waitematā on Feb 27, 2023 10:59:45 AM.
Following Pharmac’s announcement of funding for meningococcal B vaccine (Bexsero) for additional groups from 1 March, the childhood immunisation schedule has now been approved.
Bexsero will be part of the routine National Immunisation Schedule at the 3 months and 5 months immunisation events (primary doses) followed by a (booster dose) at the 12 months event. There is also the option for it to be given earlier in certain circumstances. Further detail is attached.
All children who are aged 5 years or younger on 1 March 2023, will also be eligible for funded Bexsero vaccine as part of a catch-up programme.
It will also be funded for people aged 13 to 25 years who are entering into or in their first year of specified close-living situations.
More information is available here.
Meningococcal B (Bexsero) rollout 2023.pdf [276.9 KB]
Please send feedback to Refka.Al-Hilal@waitematadhb.govt.nz .
Barbara Stevens |Tumu Whakarae/CEO