In today’s Pānui |
Breast Screening
| BreastScreen Auckland Central has 1,128 appointment slots available in February across their fixed site in Greenlane and Mobile Unit, currently located at Wesley Community Centre.
There are zero wait times to get an appointment, and if eligible, participants can be seen as early as this week.
Making an appointment is very easy. Participants can freephone 0800 270 200 (option 2) OR email |
Auckland PHO Resuscitation Courses | Please note the updated Resuscitation Sessions below:
For more information or to book a place, email March Series Saturday 22 March 8am - 2.30pm | Level 5 Advanced Responder (GPs - 6 hours, NPs - 4 hours) Tuesday 18 March 6 - 8pm | Level 3 CPR Skills (Admin, Reception, HCAs) Wednesday 19 March 6 - 9pm | Level 4 Immediate Responder (RN/Vaccinators) October Series Tuesday 14 October 6 - 8pm | Level 3 CPR Skills (Admin, Reception, HCAs) Wednesday 15 October 6 - 9pm | Level 4 Immediate Respponder (RN/Vaccinators) Saturday 18 October 8am - 2.30pm | Level 5 Advanced Responder (GPs - 6 hours, NPs - 4 hours) Finishing times are indication only. |
Auckland PHO Website Resource Library
| The Auckland PHO Website Resource Library contains a myriad of information and resources for our practice network.
The password to enter is aucklandpho (all lower caps)
Check it out! |
Barbara Stevens | Tumu Whakarae/CEO