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Tuesday Pānui 27 June 2023

Updated: Jul 10, 2023

Kia ora koutou,

Here are a couple of updates for the week ahead:

Forthcoming changes to the distribution of RATs

From 1 July 2023, members of the public will no longer be able to pre-order Rat testing kits via RAT Requestor. The 0800 222 478 phoneline will continue to operate, and the public can find more information on the Healthpoint website and on Te Whatu Ora’s Unite Against COVID-19 Website.

Auckland PHO's new Self-Management Services Coordinator

Auckland PHO are proud to welcome Charlotte (Charley) Peace as our new Self-Management Services Coordinator! Charley started with Auckland PHO as a Health Coach in March 2022, and now serves a dual role as our Lead Health Coach and Self-Management Services Coordinator. Charley will initially focus on diabetes self-management education, with a view to develop additional programmes for other long-term conditions. If you have any questions about Diabetes Self-Management Education groups, please email Charley at

Request for Urgent Care Clinic Workforce Support from General Practice

Urgent Care Clinics are experiencing critical workforce pressure and are seeking providers who could be available for locum work. Urgent Care Clinics are ideally looking for 24 clinical hours over a 3-month period, ideally spread across 3 to 6 shifts. Urgent Care Clinics would provide paid onboarding for providers to ensure they feel comfortable with the clinic and systems. The hourly/sessional rate would be at that of current market rates of primary care locums in Metro Auckland.

If you are interested, then please respond to this email address ( with the following:

  • Full Name

  • Contact Phone Number and Email Address

  • Preferred UCC

  • Familiarity with Medtech - please type one of the following options: (a) use it as PMS, (b) have used before, (c) never used it

  • Hours /shifts you could commit to over the 12-week period

Have a great week ahead.

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