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Tuesday Pānui 2 April 2024

In today’s Pānui

  • Measles (not cases after all)

  • Measles funding clarification



Te Whatu Ora Officials have confirmed that the positive case of measles reported on Sunday along with another suspected case are NOT measles after testing negative results.


While this is a relief and good news for the whānau, Aotearoa/New Zealand remains at high risk of a measles outbreak with low vaccination rates and clinicians are asked to be vigilant and look for the signs which can be like COVID-19 or a cold. 


Suspected cases require urgent public health response

A single case of measles is defined as an urgent public health event, requiring an immediate public health response. If the diagnosis of measles is suspected, test for case confirmation and notify suspicion of measles to the Medical Officer of Health by completing the eReferral measles notification form, or emailing a completed notification form to, or phoning (09) 623‑4600.

HealthPathways - Measles

Claiming for Measles Cases

Practices were sent a communique recently regarding new funding for measles cases. Please note that patients will be referred to the practice by the Public Health Team where they suspect a case or a close contact of a measles case.  Practices can claim for eligible enrolled and non-enrolled patients.


Information regarding eligibility, and claiming can be found on the Auckland PHO website.


Barbara Stevens |Tumu Whakarae/CEO

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