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Tuesday Pānui 24 October 2023

Updated: Oct 25, 2023

Tēnā koutou

Please see the Pānui for this week ending 27 October.

Measles Cases Update

As of last Friday, there were seven confirmed cases of measles across several areas in New Zealand - Northland, Waikato, Central and the South Island – these include the index case and six secondary cases. All secondary cases were in isolation when they developed symptoms.

Te Whatu Ora posts updates about locations of interest / exposure events where people may have been at risk of infection on its website.

GP Inbox Management

GPNZ held its first very successful inbox management webinar on workforce on October 18. If you missed it, you can view on

There are two more upcoming webinars:

o Technology advancements November 8 12.30pm

o Medico-legal perspectives November 22 12.30pm

To register, go to

HPV/Cervical Screening Claiming

We expect to roll over the claiming function to POAC from Mōhio on 31st October. However, after that date, the Mōhio form will be used to claim for patients whose results mean they need a referral to colposcopy.

Mōhio Sore Throat Form Changes

As per the email from Ashley on Friday, the Form has been updated, thus.:

  • Removal of excess information required under the previous contract arrangement.

  • Updated the Patient Management options for treating the patient and their whānau.

  • Included additional resources for clinicians and are embedded into the form

  • Eligibility criteria: the patient must now be an enrolled patient (excludes Case Finding, household contacts)

Funding increase:

  • High risk cohort (4 – 19 years) seen and treated with oral antibiotics: $18.50 ex. GST

  • High risk cohort (4 – 19 years) seen and treated with Bicillin injection: $37.00 ex. GST

Case Finding Symptomatic (3 – 35 years) household members of a person with a GAS+ sore throat: $18.50 ex. GST

Further information is available on the Auckland PHO Website Resource Library here

Have a great week.

Ngā mihi,

Barbara Stevens |Tumu Whakarae/CEO

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