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Tuesday Pānui 25 October 2022

Tēnā koutou

I hope you were able to get some down time during Labour weekend and have come back reasonably refreshed. Here are four items of note for this week from Auckland PHO.

Changes to Carextra

Most of you will be aware that as of 1st November 2022, the funding arrangement for Carextra will change and practices will receive 100% of their Carextra funding each month instead of the 70% up front. The requirement to complete a care plan for patients on a fee for service basis for the remaining 30% will end 31 October.

The new arrangement will allow practice teams to manage their own Carextra budget and the information remains in the practice and will not be required by Auckland PHO. Any unspent Carextra funding from July – October will be paid out to practices on 20 November 2022.

If you have any questions about the changes, please contact Ashley –

End of Year Celebration/Awards

Planning is well underway for this illustrious event on Friday 9th December from 6pm at the Sorrento. The cut off date for the health targets – childhood immunisations, Cervical Screening, CVD Risk Assessment and Diabetes Annual reviews is 30 November. There will be other awards presented on the night. An invite will be sent to practices next week. We encourage all the practice team members to come along for a fun night with lots of prizes and fun.

Accuretic Supply

Have you transitioned patients on Accuretic to an alternative anti-hypertensive medication yet? If so, have you claimed for the consult?

Pfizer intends withdrawing any remaining stock form distributers on 31 October 2022. Pharmac advises prescribers to transition any of their patients to an alternative anti-hypertensive with a degree of urgency. The ability of prescribers to claim for first consult costs in relation to transitioning patients from Accuretic to an alternative will remain in place to assist this process until it is delisted. Pharmac intends to delist Accuretic from the Pharmaceutical schedule from 1 December 2022.

Funded Initial Health Assessment for 2022 Ukraine Special Visa Holders

Last week Te Whatu Ora announced that from 17 October, people from Ukraine holding a 2022 Special Ukraine Visa are eligible for a one-off initial 45-minute health assessment and follow up that is fully funded by Te Whatu Ora.

Information has been sent to practices and is also located on the Auckland PHO website library > Funded Initial Health Assessment for 2022 Ukraine Special Visa Holders

In the event a practice is enrolling a person under this visa the eligibility is as follows:

All arrivals under this category are granted either a temporary two-year working visa or two-year student visa (for those up to the age of 19) and will have full access to publicly funded health and disability services. They have not arrived in NZ under the refugee status.

Under the “declaration of entitlement and eligibility” section of the enrolment form, adult arrivals under the 2022 Special Ukraine Policy Visa should tick Box D (“I have a work visa/permit and can show that I am able to be in New Zealand for at least 2 years (previous permits included)”), and their dependents under 18 years of age should tick Box G (“I am under 18 years and in the care and control of a parent/legal guardian/adopting parent who meets one criterion in clauses a – f above OR in the control of the Chief Executive of the Ministry of Social Development”)

We understand that there will be a minimal amount of people turning up to general practices in Auckland.

Please contact Tracey – if you have any questions.

Enjoy the short week and as always, please get in touch if you have any questions.

Ngā mihi nui




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Address: Unit D, Level 4, 210 Khyber Pass Road, Grafton

Postal address: PO Box 110018, Auckland Hospital, Auckland 1148

Tel. (09) 379 4022

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